Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | ENG
1. dubna 2023

Grand Final of the 33rd edition

After a nourishing week of theatre, we were all eagerly anticipating this evening. In the general excitement of our grand cultural experience, we could easily have missed the presence of the jury at the individual performances. They carefully evaluated all the productions so that they could fairly and responsibly choose who the best of the best was

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Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | CZ
1. dubna 2023

Veľké finále 33. ročníka

Po výživnom týždni plnom divadla sme všetci túžobne očakávali tento večer. V celkovom ošiali nadšenia z kultúrnych zážitkov sme totiž mohli veľmi ľahko prehliadnuť prítomnosť porotcov na jednotlivých predstaveniach. Tí starostlivo hodnotili všetky inscenácie, aby spoločnými silami mohli spravodlivo a zodpovedne vybrať, kto bol tým najlepším z najlepších.

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Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | ENG
1. dubna 2023

Mammon Is Reason That Has Forsaken Me!

Personas is a monodrama that explores just what theatrical illusion is capable of. It is largely based on the solid foundation of commedia dell'arte, which it then abandons and transforms into buffoonery and a feast of fools. The performance included a part with a speech to the audience who do not understand Czech, having most likely been added for festival purposes. They were assured that even though the text is a significant component of this work, an intense experience can be had through the merely observing the acting. And, undoubtedly, that was the case.

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Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | CZ
1. dubna 2023

Mamon je rozum, který mi uletěl!

Monodrama Persony ohledává, čeho všeho je divadelní iluze schopna. Z velké části staví na solidním podkladu commedia dell’arte, tu potom opouští a transformuje ji v klauniádu a svátek bláznů. Nejspíše pro festivalové účely byla přidána část s promluvou k divákům, kteří nerozumí česky. Ti byli ujištěni, že i když je text podstatnou složkou tohoto díla, lze zažít intenzivní zážitek i skrze pouhé vnímání herecké akce. A to se bezpochyby stalo.

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Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | ENG
1. dubna 2023

Product. A product of what? And why?

An immersive performance by Tomáš Weber and Petr Akimov. Let's create together, let's make a film together, shall we? But let's also create uncomfortable pressure on the viewer together. Let's make them feel threatened.

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Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | CZ
1. dubna 2023

Produkt. Čeho? A proč?

Imerzivní představení Tomáše Webera a Petra Akimova. Pojďme společně tvořit, pojďme spolu natočit film, můžeme? Ale také společně vytvoříme nepříjemný tlak na diváka. Necháme cítit se v ohrožení.

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Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | ENG
1. dubna 2023

Egg on

What way to have a relationship with yourself? What kind of relationship with others? How with inanimate things? Working with the object becomes crucial in performanc e. The stoic calmness, but also the strong emotions of the performer, make the last day of the festival a pleasant punctuation.

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Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | CZ
1. dubna 2023

Co? Vejco.

Jakým způsobem mít vztah sám se sebou? Jakým s ostatními? Jakým s neživými věcmi? Práce s objektem se v performance stává klíčovou. Díky stoickému klidu, ale i silným emocím performerky je poslední den festivalu příjemnou tečku.

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Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | ENG
31. března 2023

Highway to hell

One day in July, an old man’s house burns down, and he finds himself without a roof over his head and everything he needs for everyday life. So, he asks his neighbour whether he could stay with him for two months while he sorts out everything he needs to go to a lunatic asylum in Smolensk and there to live out the rest of his days in peace. Upon his neighbour’s firm refusal, something impulsively triggers in the old man that leads to an escalation of all that is perverse, and to all those he meets, he becomes a doom far more dangerous than an all-consuming fire.

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