Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | ENG
29. března 2023

The Estrada competition, which will be won by the one who assimilates the best

Who will be Miss Brexit? The one who abandons her nature and replaces "honesty with etiquette". Do you want to stay in Britain? Act like the Brits in the media, but not the way they behave in real life.

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Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | ENG
29. března 2023

Be the best British version of yourself!

Young people with different accents, temperaments, and life experiences. Their birthplaces are scattered all over Europe, yet they are all in the same place - the Miss Brexit London pageant. The contestants try to convince viewers of their commitment to the UK so they can continue to live the British dream. However, only one of them can win. What does one have to erase from one’s life to become someone different and 'better' - to become British? An existential journey towards stability and better opportunities, but one that forces self-denial, is presented by students from the London College of Music, University of West London, in Miss Brexit at the Husa na provázku Theatre.

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Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | ENG
29. března 2023

Shorter Baton? It Is Your Turn!

The Earthquake Concert by the Austrian ensemble Max Reinhardt Seminar presents three short biographies, three human lives, connected (in addition to their philosophy of life) by the common time in a mental hospital.

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Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | CZ
29. března 2023

Dočasné blízké vztahy v pohybu

Dalším z workshopů středečního programu byl Nový cirkus a párová akrobacie, který skrze pohyby a emoce propojil účastníky festivalu.

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Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | ENG
29. března 2023

Only the Spice Girls Were Missing

Our identity is partly formed by our nationality, our local culture, and the social and historical context in which we grew up. In a way, these represent us – even more so in the context of an international festival. And this is something that needs to be used in the theatre.

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Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | CZ
29. března 2023

Chýbali už len Spice Girls

Súčasťou našej identity je aj naša národnosť, naša domáca kultúra a súvislosti, v ktorých sme vyrastali. Tie nás istým spôsobom reprezentujú – o to viac v priestore, akým je medzinárodný festival. A to predsa v divadle treba využiť.

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Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | CZ
29. března 2023

Kratší pelendrek? Si na rade!

Inscenácia The Earthquake Concert rakúskeho súboru Max Reinhardt Seminar prináša krátku biografiu troch ľudských životov, ktoré spája (okrem životnej filozofie) spoločný pobyt v psychiatrickej liečebni.

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Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | CZ
29. března 2023

Ten najkrajší dar

Aký je najkrajší dar, ktorý ste kedy dostali? A čo ten najhorší? Do ktorej kategórie by ste zaradili svoj život? Viedenská inscenácia The Earthquake Concert predostiera problematiku ľudského života, ktorý je síce darom od Boha, no zároveň je tým najhorším, čo mohol človek dostať. Množstvo problémov či vnútorných démonov sprevádzajú ľudské bytie už od nepamäti. Dá sa ich ztriasť? A ako sa z toho všetkého už naveky vyliečiť a žiť svoj život bez vnútorných zemetrasení?

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Sunset in the mountains
Meeting Point | ENG
28. března 2023

No/opportunities for non/endless growth

A performance-oriented society forces never-ending production. Can we not only focus on economically profitable performance, but also look at other aspects of life, as well? The performance Cannibals has stirred up a topic that is extremely relevant at the moment.

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